The true long-term impact of high levels of youth unemployment.

Posted on: 10th October 2022 | 3 min

In the United Kingdom, the issue of high youth unemployment remains a pressing concern. Genuine Futures, a charitable organization dedicated to supporting young individuals from underprivileged areas struggling with mental health and wellbeing issues, recognizes the critical long-term effects of youth unemployment on these vulnerable individuals. In this blog post, we delve into the true impact of high levels of youth unemployment and how it affects the lives of these young people, making it imperative for society to address this issue collectively.

1. Stagnant Career Development

Youth unemployment can hinder young people’s career development significantly. Without early opportunities to gain work experience and develop essential skills, these individuals find it difficult to compete in the job market later in life. As they grow older, the gap in their resumes and the lack of relevant experience become apparent to potential employers, making it challenging to secure stable and well-paying jobs.

2. Adverse Mental Health Consequences

For young people facing unemployment, the emotional toll can be immense. Feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and depression are common among those who find themselves unable to secure employment. Genuine Futures recognizes that these mental health issues can be amplified for individuals who already face challenges due to difficult backgrounds. The lack of financial security and the uncertainty of their future contribute to their emotional distress, exacerbating existing mental health concerns.

3. Increased Risk of Behavioural Issues

High levels of youth unemployment can also lead to a rise in behavioural problems among these vulnerable individuals. When young people lack purpose and meaningful engagement in productive activities, they may turn to negative coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse, involvement in crime, or anti-social behaviour. This cycle perpetuates a damaging pattern, creating additional barriers for their future success.

4. Impact on Social Cohesion

Youth unemployment not only affects the individuals facing it but also has broader consequences for society as a whole. A generation of young people without opportunities to contribute positively to their communities can lead to a breakdown in social cohesion. Unemployment can increase feelings of alienation and detachment from society, fostering an environment of hopelessness and disconnection.

5. Economic Burden

From an economic perspective, high levels of youth unemployment translate into lost potential and productivity. Genuine Futures believes that investing in the future of young people, even those facing significant challenges, is vital for the country’s long-term economic growth and stability. Providing support and opportunities to these individuals can help break the cycle of unemployment and improve their chances of becoming productive members of society.


The true long-term impact of high levels of youth unemployment is multifaceted and pervasive. It goes beyond mere numbers and statistics, affecting the lives of young people in underprivileged areas who are already grappling with mental health and wellbeing issues. Genuine Futures understands that addressing this issue is crucial to breaking the cycle of unemployment and improving the future prospects of these vulnerable individuals. By offering support, resources, and guidance, we can empower them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges successfully and contribute positively to society. Together, as a community, we can pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future for all.

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