Why entrepreneurship is important for school children to learn in 2024.

Posted on: 2nd January 2024 | 2 min

Unlock Your pupils entrepreneurial potential and create a more engaged, positive,  I Can and resilient mindset and a healthy attitude towards education & learning

Enterprise education plays a key role in helping children unlock their potential  instilling a belief a positive mindset  unlocking the skills, talents that they already have.

It helps them find ways to overcome obstacles and shapes their attitude towards work and their future, opening their eyes to a world of endless possibility.

What is Genuine Futures enterprise education?

Aside from the development of a wide range of important character traits, there are studies highlighting the value of enterprise education.

Enterprise education increases the likelihood of someone starting their own business and the likelihood of them being successful (although ‘success’ is subjective). We also know that children who grow up with an entrepreneurial role model (even in storybooks) are more likely to make their own decisions when it comes to their career, and not simply do what everyone else is doing.

The role the Genuine Futures enterprise program is to instil as many of these character traits as possible. These traits are useful for everyone to possess, not just an aspiring entrepreneur. Character development is far more potent during our formative years so the sooner we get to work, the better.

Here at Genuine Futures we believe that introducing children to entrepreneurial role models that display enterprising characteristics is part of this learning process and is especially beneficial for those who don’t have entrepreneurial role models in their immediate network.

We’re confident that by introducing children to positive entrepreneurial role models and giving opportunities to emulate their behaviour, enterprise education has the potential to not only inspire children to excel academically but empower them in their career choices later in life, whatever they may be.

Key traits of enterprising people include:

  • Positivity
  • kindness
  • confidence
  • Creativity
  • Resourcefulness
  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Determination
  • Persistence

Ready to  Unlock Your pupils hidden entrepreneurial potential. Find out more about our enterprise programs and email us today; Hello@genuinefutures.co.uk

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