Brighter Genuine Futures For All.

Changing Lives By Empowering People and Their Communities

Genuine Futures are a purpose driven and passionate group of people who are dedicated to real change and real growth empowering people and communities through proven programmes. We support individuals in our communities, who may have faced difficult obstacles and barriers in their lives which have prevented them from achieving their full potential.

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Help for Communities

Our mission is to help local communities thrive by empowering the people within those communities. Whether it’s helping prepare someone for the job market or building up young people to help them achieve their potential.

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Support Our Work

Now more than ever it’s time to make a difference and to help and support stalled and disadvantaged communities. Help us build and positively impact the lives of the people who need it. Discover how you can work with us.

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Our Programmes

Our programmes are designed around what you or your community needs. While our focus is often working with young people, we have worked with people of all ages to help them get back on their feet, become work-ready and much more.

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Success Stories

Find our why

We feel it’s time to make a difference

The threat of a “lost generation” for some is quite real although according to Prof. Paul Gregg this is an exaggerated term, what we do know is that there are significant consequences.

Experiencing unemployment in youth can lead to emotional problems and can also reduce a person’s life long earning/career potential, it creates further inequalities particularly between communities, and the financial costs of supporting unemployment; welfare and medical support reach into billions.

Building People
Up to Say ‘I Can’...
It starts with You!

Genuine Futures ‘at a glance’

Help for Communities

Imagine what you would do if you were not scared? If you had a life without those self-constructed walls around you? What if those grazes and bruises from life disappeared and you were free to step forward? How would it be if you put down those heavy suitcases of unhelpful stuff you are hanging onto?

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Support Our Work

Now more than ever it’s time to make a difference and to help and support stalled and disadvantaged youths find a purpose, live law-abiding, gainful and fulfilling lives, contribute positively to society, and thus be a positive influence on their family, friends and the community at large.

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Our Programmes

Now more than ever it’s time to make a difference and to help and support stalled and disadvantaged youths find a purpose, live law-abiding, gainful and fulfilling lives, contribute positively to society, and thus be a positive influence on their family, friends and the community at large.

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Get in touch.

Are you a young person looking for help? Or a local business looking to support and/or partner with us?

We’re always looking for new ways to help young people.

Tell us how we can help

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